Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Getting Started

So I have been struggling a little with my weight and over all shape.Baby number four did me in. My motivation has been super low. I would rather stay in that warm snuggly bed, than get out and hit the pavement. Than there is the whole food thing I love food. So anyways me and a few of my friends have been chatting, I have noticed a few people with their fitness blogs and thought hmmmm maybe this might work for me. I guess if I announce to the world that I need to take off some weight and I am determined to do it. Than I better get to work huh. Since no one is going to send me a jar full of motivation, I better make a batch of my own. I have run 2 marathons, love running. Hate eating heatlthy, love learning about health and fitness and all the things I should be doing. So time to take that head full of knowledge and put it to work. Time to find out if being in great shape, really does feel better than a shirley's sweet roll tastes. So I am going to start a 30 day challenge. Yes you know whats comin next. I am cutting out sugar and Diet coke. I know the thought kills me also. Weight training 30 minutes at least 3 times a week. As for cardio thats the easy part for me. The goal is to walk the five mile loop 3 times a week and log at least 25 milesof running. That sound like a good 30 day challenge.. If anyone else is crazy enough to join me let me know. Advice is always welcome, lets keep it posite though. woo hoo. Tomorrow is September 11 and I will end October 11. Not end just adjust things a little or lot we will see!!

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