Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Here we go!

So day one down, but dont you worry I am really good at day 1-3 its the days that follow that are hard for me. I feel great. I was not very hungry yesterday. So that made it really easy. I had my appointment to check on my foot. It is plantar fasciitis and a bone spur in my heel, the xray proved it. So they gave me a shot in my heel of steroid, first they numbed it why does that part hurt so much. They used and ultrasound machine to see exactly where they need to go. It was pretty painful, good thing I am so tough. I got myself some fancy new heel gel pads and I am restricted for flip flops:( Then I need to wear what they call a straussburg sock when I sleep. It sound like I will be back running within the next 10 days woo hoo!! Cant wait, ok can wait, till it feels better. So I decided to look at it in a positive way. Since I cannot run for a bit I need to focus on my nutrition. Its a good time because I am not burning many calories, So I know I need to focus. I am working on cutting out the crap food and feeling it with good stuff, fuel for this busy mama. Its good for me, good for my family. Day one no diet coke down, I have the sweet headache to prove it. I woke up 4 pound lighter. Proving that a 44 oz diet coke and 2 chocolate chip cookie(big ones) Is a bad idea at 9 0clock at night. So lets talk goal, you know how you have a goal that you will reach, well that goal is to lose 14 pounds. Then there is the giant goal, You can do this one too, its just harder. That goal is to lose 21 pounds. So we are going to call it X-21(my friends do it this way then everyone does not have to know how much I weigh) I got a  new Tracy anderson toning dvd, I will do this everyday, no impact involved. Lots of water. Thats the plan for now. wish me luck!! Have a great healthy day:)

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