Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today, day 3

So today hasnt been a real big excercise day its been a clean the house day! Wow once I get started, one thing leads to another. I am pretty sure it would take me two days straight to get it back up to par. While I was recovering from surgery, I could not do much work around the house . As time went on I could do the light stuff. People helped, kids helped and now it needs Tara help. My thought for today is WATER! Most of us dont drink enough of it. You know after you have a baby or surgery. You come home with that cup with lid and straw. You faithfully drink from that cup all day, especially if you are nursing!! You fill good your body feels good. Then for me life sets in and sometimes Its probably 2 by the time I drink 32 ounces of water. SOOOO I am recommiting myself to drinking more H20. Ok if your sure, maybe a little less diet coke, only if you are sure. OK go get yourself a nice glass of ice cold water, you could even pull out that hospital mug for good old times!

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