Friday, August 28, 2009

day 3 plus 4

Wow its hard for me to keep up the last two days I have super busy. I went 4 miles both days, ran 3.5 of them. woo hoo. It feels good too. I added a little rocky to the Ipod. Lol. The first marathon me and Kami ran was vegas. There was this guy on a bike that would ride by he had a boom box and he was blasting the famous rocky songs. So when I am running and Eye of the tiger starts, it makes me smile on the inside! I have been making sure to fit in some ab workout after my runs. I know there is muscle in there somewhere. I have been trying to not overeat, which leads me to undereating. One day I will find the balance, until then I will keep working on it. You too, do your best, thats all you can do!!

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