Friday, September 10, 2010

Good morning SPIN!!

Yesterday I will admit I was dreading the thought of getting up at 430 to be in american fork for spin. But I went to bed early and woke up on my own, feeling fabulous. Got a super hard work out and was headed home ready for my day at 645. I have almost cleaned the whole house and done a bunch of laundry. If I could only bottle this energy. I could be so productive daily. But I will take it when I get it and hope that it can continue going strong today, 12 more hours to go!! I hit that slump, the one you get when your marathon is less than a month away. I was tired run down, than I got sick. Rough week, hopefully it is out of the way. Wish me luck on my 22 miler tomorrow, longest hardest run of training. Ready or not here I go.

1 comment:

emlizalmo said...

I'm just going to look at tomorrow's run as a Girls Night Out...with only one girl, in the middle of the day, while running myself half to death. :)I'm so glad you are feeling so strong. This morning's workout really was fabulous. I'm feeling pretty great too...especially b/c I just went and got some of those carrots. :)